Sunday, July 18, 2010


As I drove up to the motel at 10pm-ish the night before Zooma I felt a slight roll of peace come over me. I made it. I had nothing on my mind but preparing for my next race. My first order of business and my last, was to get in to this room and get in to bed! I checked in quickly and went on up. I hauled all my bags (I’m a girl, yes I had more than one, plus one for food) up 4 floors. I noticed how dingey and it was and as I arrived at my room I got a sense of panic. It was super dark, there were tons of men standing out side just hanging out and I felt like SCARED FEMALE, ALONE was stapled to my forehead. I rushed in to the room and dropped my bags and then tried to lock the door. For some reason it didn’t want to lock. so I pulled it out a bit and THEN it locked. I tried to be cool and not notice that my door was half open but I felt unsafe, so I got my stuff together and went get another room. The hotel attendant said no problem I hauled my stuff to room #2.
Again, a sense of relief came over me and I was excited to get to bed, until I turned around and noticed the lamp on the desk near the door was swarming with little bugs! Totally grossed out, but exhaughsted I figureded I better suck it up. So (as I usually do) I took down the covers and checked the bed for bugs… You can just imagine my face when I see the sheets are stained, a dead rollie pollie under the pillow and then a smashed fly on the other side and a bed bug all waiting to cuddle with me!! Instead of continuing on this “adventure” I decided my car would be much more comfortable. So I got back to the front desk to ask for a refund. Unfortunately for me I bought my room on orbitz so a refund was not an option. I would have to take it up with them if I wanted my money back. I was furious and just as I was about to call orbitz another angry guest approached the front desk. This woman had also just arrived and found blood on her toilet, it wouldn’t flush and like me her door wouldn’t lock without being ajar! At his point I was DONE! The guy offered me another room but I just couldn’t do it. By this time I got the best idea all night and called my bank to cancel the payment to orbitz. ON TO THE BROADMOOR… parking lot that is.
I found a nice spot right next to the race start and settled in to my seat. I decided to turn on some talk radio to get my mind off the prior events and relax. It was only a few minutes later that I realized I was listening to Coast to Coast, a show where the host talks about all things PARANORMAL! Usually this is one of my favorite topics, but not when I’m sitting in my car… alone… at 2am and unfamiliar wilderness all around me! The topic was about a big black dog with red eyes that people report seeing before bad things happen. I was freaking out because, I sweaer I saw this dog last week! So by this point I’m so intrigued in the conversation that I can’t turn it off. I’m so scared I can’t close my eyes and I have this nagging feeling to look out in to the dark night. I finally gave in and realized I was parked next to a church! I calmed for only a second because as I lay back down, I got a glimpse of a GIANT CAT looking thing running across the street right towards my car! I threw myself back and rolled on to my side in the fetal position. I was ready to just pack up and go home when at about 2:30am I finally turn off the radio. I returned to the fetal position, covered my head with a shirt from a my bag and finally drift off to sleep.
5:00 am came fast and I was awaken by the rising sun and event workers preparing for the race! It was time to find a bathroom and change. I was surprisingly perky, drank some water, took my vitamins, and ate 2 bananas and 1 apple. I was ready to face the day with a smile and put my poopy night behind me and then about 2 minutes before the race started I had to go to the bathroom! (I think it was nerves. When I run I have to go 100 times!) So I jump in this never ending line hoping that once the race starts everyone will run for the start and I will be able to get a break! Thank God it works, and I hopped in just as end of the pack pass the start!
My pace was slow but I didn’t care, I was ready to run! I did really well up until I hit this hill. The hill that started off nice and easy, but got steeper and steeper and went on for what felt like forever. Usually for me the first few miles are the hardest, but once I get my pace going I feel like I can do anything! Unfortunately this time the hill was getting to me, and I couldn’t catch my zone. So I got tired and right as I hit the water station I started to walk. I hit the bathroom again and continued walking up the rest of the hill.

At this point I was getting to a bad place with negative self talk and even with all the cheers from on lookers I couldn’t get it going again until I hit the down slope and I felt like a kid in a candy store as I flew down. ”It’s going to be okay” I thought to myself. “I can do this!” Then about 20 runners flew past me! They were at the end of their second lap around the course and the wind was completely let out of my sail. They were so fast! I started asking myself ”why and I even trying to do this?” , “I’ll never be as good as them”, “I don’t belong here”, ”I don’t deserve to be here”… Then I looked at my watch and it was time for a gel, I slammed it and kept on running.
The second lap was good until I hit the hill again. I was already defeated but I knew I wasn’t going to quit. I just had to make it up. So I walk as fast as I can and as I start to approach the water station I take a bad turn. Now I was ready to stop. I was ready to just sit on the side of the road and cry. Then right as as I started to stop I looked up and saw the picture of this little boy on a sign. The caption said that every 10 minutes a person dies of a blood cancer… this station was run by the people of Team in Training. (Team in training raises money for cures for blood cancers like leukemia — the No. 1 disease killer of children – lymphoma and myeloma) I stopped my moment of self pitty and pulled it together. Nothing I am feeling could be as hard to endure as fighting for my life. I came in to the water station, I took one glass of water to drink and the other I poured on to my head! It was ICE COLD and I think my heart even stopped for a second! Whatever it was, I was recharged and ready to get to that finish line. I tried to jog up the hill, but my jog was slower than a few speed walkers so I caught their pace made it up! Finally, I hit the top of the hill and took off! I kept my pace nice and comfortable and made it down with ease. Once I saw the finish I took my pace up a few more notches and ran as fast as I could go. I finished at 1:43 mins. This time was slower than almost everyone there, but I finished and that was my goal. Crossing the finish line felt so amazing ( and I hadn’t caught my breath) I almost caught myself in a panic attack! I calmed down with a slow walk and my run was over.
I finished the day with helping out at the BornFit booth during the after-party:) Lisa and Jamie made it better and I even sold some BornFit product! I love it lol so it wasn’t a hard sale. I had to take an hour nap in ANOTHER PARKING LOT lol on the way home because I was too tired but I feel great today and am looking forward to my next race! I think I’ll do one more 10K before the Bear Chase Half Marathon or 50K Oct 3rd (I’m hoping to do the 50K but if I’m not ready I’ll go with the half marathon).
I battled bugs, a monster hill and myself this weekend and I made it through to the other side. I never knew that there was this Sophia inside of me. I love everything about me right now. I feel like I can do anything and I am so thankful. Life is going to be so different in the next few months… it’s time to step it up! NYC HERE I COME!
I wish I had pics of me at these races. Unfortunately I don’t have anyone there to take any:( So I’ll use this one to decribe how I felt!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

CHOP CHOP SLICE! Goes My Finger...

I was on a roll… chopping away and completely dominating those veggies and the cutting board. Then all of a sudden I felt a jerk and I said ”Ouch” but there was no pain. I looked down and… OMGOODNESS! That was my finger!

Since I’m an optimist I chose to look at the following situation as:

1. Whew! Good thing my knife was sharp, it’s a clean cut.
2. Glad the kids are napping and didn’t see this.
3. Initiation for cooking 1o1 complete!
This week continued to get better, I received my new running shoes donated by Nike and ran with a new friend who pushed me further than I ever thought I could go at this point! I also got to stage (unpaid culinary internship) at a local natural and organic restaurant, Kate’s on 35th Ave. Kate’s has been around for about 25 years and is run and owned by Lynn Smith. Lynn is not a chef, but that doesn’t stop her from sharing her talents in the kitchen with the locals. I enjoyed this opportunity because the vibe was so different from the professional kitchens I had been in thus far. It’s not that it was better or I liked it more, it was just different. I learned many ways to conserve resources and run an Eco friendly cooking environment. This was great because I am definitely interested in how I can make my own home as “Green” as possible. I also learned several new health conscious recipes! I think the highlight was baking this amazing chocolate cake! (Look for the recipe below)
I am THRILLED to announce that I am officially member of TEAM FOR KIDS and I have started my fundraising efforts. Hopefully I can raise the minimum $2620.00 USD before Oct 8th! [click here to donate] It feels like it’s so far away, but I know that it will be here before I know it! I’m also excited to update you on sponsorship with the BornFit… They’ve agreed to donate running apparel for training and running events on my journey to NYC! I am so thankful to have so many amazing and inspiring women supporting me, included.
I’m watching SNL tonight with Betty White… Isn’t she inspiring? She put out in to the universe that she wanted to do the show, and TONIGHT! she’s living the dream! The song “Empire State of Mind” is being performed right now. I don’t listen to a lot of rap, but this song hits me so hard because NYC is where I found myself again. It was during the taping of Worst Cooks where I, came back to life. I remember looking over the city from this amazing pent house view being completely inspired by its grandeur. They say if you can make it there you can make it anywhere… and I can’t tell you how true that has proved to be! That’s why I’ve chosen the NYC Marathon… it reminds me of this extraordinary experience where I knew my life would change forever. I didn’t know how I would be changed until I got home… but I am different. I will never be the same. NYC is where Sophia, got her groove back!
PS!- check out my youtube page to see a short clip with a montage of my ”healthier me” progress leading up to now, and subscribe and stay tunned for cooking demos and videos documenting running events and training for NY!
Kate’s Chocolate Cake
15 servings
Cake Ingredients:
1/3 cup Grape Seed Oil
1 ¾ hot water
2 oz unsweetened baker’s chocolate
1 ½ cup organic unbleached white flour
½ cup organic whole wheat flour
½ cup brown sugar
1 cup natural sugar
½ cup organic apple juice
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 cup fat free yogurt or low fat butter cream
2 extra large eggs
1 tsp baking powder
Frosting Ingredients:
2 oz unsweetened baking chocolate
¼ cup of skim milk
1/3 cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 tsp of vanilla
1 cup powder sugar

Preparation and cooking instructions
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees and grease/flour bundt cake pan
In a bowl combine white flour, whole wheat flour, brown sugar and natural sugar and set aside. In another bowl combine chocolate, grape seed oil and hot water, then take these and microwave for no more than 1 minute and mix well until chocolate is dissolved. Then take hot mix and combine in to the bowl containing dry ingredients and mix well making sure there are no lumps. Next add apple juice, vanilla, fat free yogurt or butter milk, and eggs. Again mix well and then sprinkle baking soda and beat well using a wire whisk. Pour in to bundt cake pan and cook for approx 35-40 mins. (Cake is done when the batter is formed but still sticks slightly to the knife) Let cool for 10-15 mins before turning on to plate. Let rest another 5-10 minutes before applying frosting.
For the frosting take unsweetened baker’s chocolate and heat in microwave for no more than 1 min. Then add semi-sweet chocolate chips and stir until smooth. Add milk and vanilla and stir again till smooth. Last add powder sugar to taste (approx ¾ cup is where I like it) stir till smooth and then spread! The cake is supposed to be moist. It’s delicious! Just don’t expect the all the sugar you get in the average cake, remember it’s a healthier lower fat version… it’s CHEATING GOOD!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Circle is Alnost Complete

As a child I went through some horrible experiences being overweight. That's why I am hoping to run the ING NYC Marathon for TEAM FOR KIDS! This charity provides free or low-cost school- and community-center based health and fitness programs to children who would most likely otherwise have no access to regular physical activity. I'm running to make sure kids have the opportunity to make an EDUCATED choice with their own nutrition and fitness habits, so that they can become healthy adults!

I've been working hard to earn money and sponsorship for the ING NYC Marathon trip, entry fees and to sign up for my charity Team for Kids. I found an AMAZING woman's sports apparel company called BornFit. ( This is a company run by Mothers Lisa and Julie. During their motherhood they've discovered the need for quality (and stylish) clothing for active moms. They create products that not only made women look good, but also made them feel strong, confident and inspired. So, I contacted them in regards to sponsorship and we're working out the details. I can't wait to wear their gear. I love that they believe that all of us are BornFit.

"The beauty of being "Fit" is that it comes in all different sizes, shapes, interests and even passions. We founded BornFit on the solid belief that strong bodies produce a confident spirit which, as we all know, is sometimes challenged as a mother. But...with a confident spirit anything is possible! "- Julie and Lisa

When I read this, I knew they were the right company to support me on this journey! They are proven testimony that we can do it all while still being true to who we are first and foremost, Moms.

This week was the week my intro blog here on came out and it was also the week of an article in the Denver Post (The other person in the pic is my trainer, Jamie Atlas. You know why he's awesome? Jamie has donates his time to help me battle the bulge! I could have never gone this far without him.)

I'm about 1 month out now from my first race. It's a 10K called the Bolder Boulder, and I hear the incline of the run is KILLER! I hope I can make it with out walking. This race will give me my first look at where I am fitness wise. If I can make this run without walking I will be ahead of schedule. I want so badly to impress everyone, but I know that this run isn't about anyone but me.

All this awesomeness and I have no idea where to start with my Thank you's... my story just goes to show you that if you just try, you can make things happen. These kumbaya moments have been so great... but they also have brought pressure. I have announced my intentions to the world. By just asking, produced everything I need to succeed. I am scared. I know I'll complete this journey and I know that crossing that finish line in NYC will be like walking on air... I'm so excited it’s overwhelming sometimes. I have this giant cold sore, the first one I've ever had in my life! It's a reminder to slow down, follow my path and stick to it. I need to "keep my ducks in a row" as my Aunt Helen would say. I'm working on that, and I know that no matter what, I will rise to the occasion and prove that I can do anything... one step at a time. This unfit kid is making the circle complete... it's never too late to start the new you! I must remember that I'm doing this for me, and to show people out there that they're not a lone in feeling insecure, but I hope to show them by taking that first step, they can conquer world.

Friday, April 9, 2010

For Me It's Not About the Numbers!

All my life I've been told that being a "normal" or "a healthy size" was a number. At that point I felt a number on a scale and number in my pants that defined my image, the image that I not only owned but projected to the world. I would see myself in the mirror and immediately see my flaws, the things that set me aside from being normal... in the weight department I would have been thrilled to be considered average. Because of this stigma I bought in to the hype that I was fat. I had zero self confidence and wore the label of unworthy across my forehead every day.
Since I felt ugly I acted ugly. I was needy, shy and depressed on a daily basis. This made me the friend in all relationship situations. I had desperate crushes on several boys throughout the years and for some reason every one of them found me in the "friend zone". I always knew the reason was that I was fat, but I hoped to find one guy that could see pass the bulge and accept me for me. When I was rejected I chalked it up to them being shallow. It was always everyone else that put me in a category. There was nothing that I could do to change that, until...

In 92 I lost 60 lbs over a summer and changed my entire look! I was 125 lbs and a size 8! To this day, this is my peak... my all time best as far as those damn numbers go. I gained confidence in my new body as my classmates began to take notice of my transformation. I couldn't wait to show myself to my friends and especially my crushes! The response from everyone was great and it built my staggering confidence with a superficial shield, but unfortunately the boys never saw me in a different light. I was so confused; I didn't understand what it was about me that wasn't attractive.
As the years passed the numbers got bigger... slowly at first and by the time I was 22 I hit 200 lbs. I knew I had gained the weight but I didn't really see the change in my body. I had never had a flat tummy or thin physique so the chub just looked like it belonged there. To tell you the honest truth, lol I don't think I ever really tried to look at my body in the mirror. I didn't know what I looked like under my clothes. I steered clear of mirrors that were full length and if I happened to run in to one I'd be sure to ignore whatever I saw I didn't like.
Right around this time I found Eric. Eric was a boy that gave me a chance. Eric treated me like I had always wanted to be treated. He WANTED me... and no matter anything else about him... this is what I longed for. Eric was my first kiss, the first guy I held hands with... my first REAL date! So needless to say I was in love and our courtship was short. We married in Vegas in one of those tacky little chapels September 23rd 2010 after almost a year of dating. And yes, on my wedding night he was my first of something else... hehe ;)
So add a super low self esteem, my Scorpio jealousy and some financial stress on that love and you get me 6 years later and over 60 lbs bigger. I was cranky, sad and without friends. I hid behind my duties of being a mother and rarely left the house. I got to the point where my social interactions with adults were rarely successful and usually embarrassing messes of diarrhea of the mouth. So, I turned to the place where I always comforted and accepted. The one thing in my life that never let me down and never said I wasn't good enough... FOOD!
I didn't cook, but I could reheat with the best of them. I ate fast/boxed food on regular basis, and so did my family. I finally hit a wall one day while arguing with my 3 year old to eat her chicken nuggets. It was time for a change... I needed to get some skills first but I had no idea where to turn. Then came Worst Cooks, and it cleared the cobwebs and dust from my ego and the seeds of sincere and humble confidence were planted. I was ready for success in whatever form that may be.
So if you're reading this, you know about my most recent success in the weight loss department... drum roll please... 52 lbs down and counting! This weight loss has come from hard work and mental stamina. It has NOT been easy, but it has been truly satisfying. You also should be aware of my intent and training for the ING NC Marathon! The marathon will be the next step in my build of confidence and my new healthy lifestyle change. I'm excited to get even more focused on nutrition and learning how my body works.

This is my thought on body/image/self acceptance now...
Today numbers are far less important to me than they once were. I use the scale to document my progress but it doesn’t rule my life. My pant size is the guide to purchasing clothes and although I like to see a number that is small enough to shop in any store I have learned to just deal with it... and I think that's a key.
As time has passed in my own relationship I have learned so much about love and people. The ingredient I had been missing in my youth was self love! When I walked in to a room back then, I'd almost have a panic attack. I was ashamed of who I was, even as the thinner me I still felt deep inside that I was the fugly girl. Who wants to be around a person that has that much baggage!? I also saw that there are PLENTY of plus size women out there that have found love. That was proof to me that my weight was not the problem.
There was also a time in my life that I would cringe at the thought of shopping in a Lane Bryant or when called "Plus Size". I didn't want to accept who I was. I realize now that I don't have to own any labels; I just have to own my authenticity. I'm not concerned with anything but getting to a place where I feel healthy. I want to be able to do any physical activity with ease. I want to be able to keep up with my kids. I want to make the healthy choice without thinking and be the best me that I can be.

Finally I'd just like to urge the "un-average" folks out there to accept who you are! You don't have to be loud and proud (and you can be if you want to) but get up in front of a mirror and look at what you're working with. See that body and if you want to change, change it... if you like it! Celebrate! Do it every day that you forget why you love who you are... or what you are working for. I'm not about pro plus or pro skinny; I'm about pro you, and whoever you want to be. I support you and your decision to love yourself. The more you accept you, the easier it gets to be happy in the skin you're in!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Let's start at the beginning...

Hello!  If we haven't met, my name is Sophia Ayala Gettys! I'm a stay at home mother of 2 living in Colorado. My claim to "fame" if you will... ha ha... is that I am overweight and can't cook. In Jan, the Food Network aired it's first season of a new cooking competition series called "Worst Cooks in America". Unfortunately... and fortunately I was chosen out of thousands of hopefuls across the nation as one of the "Worst Cooks" I didn't win the 25000 dollar prize, but I did win. What I won was my life back! Being on a reality show isn't just about the time you're on camera it's about the time you're away from your family, the learning your limits in stressful situations... This opportunity changed my life forever! Not only do I now love to cook, I am currently pursuing a carrer in the culinary arts! I hope to be a chef one day, but for now I'm an AMAZING home cook!
While filming the show, there was a day on set that chef Beau and I had a casual chat... He asked me what I did. I told him that I was stay at home Mom... and then he said, "No, what do you do?". I told him that I was an artist. He told me that he was too... I never saw a cook as an artist until that day. As I watched him demo how to do our duck dish, it hit me all at once! The plate was his canvas, the food was the medium... then I realized that all 5 senses were used in cooking and it's like the ULTIMATE ART!

Once I realized this, it made me think of my late Aunt Helen. My Aunt Helen had always been a driving force in my life to be a strong and ambitious woman. I've always been in to the arts and she'd always been my biggest cheerleader. All my life I had heard that we were so much alike and that made our bond very strong. Helen had made her life earnings in the food industry, with her amazingly delicious home made pasta! She did well with her pasta, it made her a self made millionaire. I didn't realize it at the time, but her pasta was her art! I remember her looking over my paintings and thinking that her critiques were just her being nice and encouraging... but now I know that it wasn't just encouragement! The woman knew what she was talking about. I wish that I would have made this connection before she passed away. If she could see me now, I know that she would be so proud! The best part is that again, we're alike... because there's no body in the world that I'd want to be like:)

So I've been fabulously lucky to have an amazing experience of finding myself on a reality show, and it's started a few balls rolling in my life and inspired a health kick!

When I got home from the show I started cooking, and with that alone, the lbs started to come off... but what really made the pounds fall off was my GOD SENT TRAINER Jamie Atlas in Sept. 2009! I made a plea to a local trainer to help lose weight as a charity project on his part and I started cooking everything I loved in a healthier way! I have been working out regularly and even have begun making my own recipes! I've lost 50 lbs in about 6 months and am feeling great! I was even on a local morning talk show in channel 2 (The Deuce) "The Everyday Show".  It was a blast.

Yes folks, life has been good to me these days. I feel more alive than I have in a long time! As a parent (especially a stay at home mom) I don't think we get the right amount of social interaction with other adults at times... or maybe just those precious moments of getting out there and doing something for ourselves. I have began to make that a priority in my life.

In lieu of all these adventures and new goals I have decided to take control even further! I'm just at a place where I need to do something BIG to show myself ! So I've decided to do something INSANE! I'm 29 and in Nov I will be 30, so I've got to do something that is just going to blow my mind if I accomplish it. With my new outlook on healthy eating, cooking, and fitness I have decided to do something that will compliment each of these points... and what I plan to do is... Its not 100 % official...(drum roll please!) enter the.... (keep the drums coming) ING NYC MARATHON! 
I know right! OMG, WTF am I thinking? Well here it is, I'm going to be 30, and I'm married, I've had my kids and I'm ready to be the me that I know that I can be. I've spent my whole life thinking things are too hard or I'm not good enough, or I don't deserve things... that girl is gone! NO MORE CRYING IN MY CHEERIOS and complaining about things I have the power to fix. I've been able to come this far, and I'm ready to take it to the next level. I will be the role model to my children that I want to be and I will be the wife I know I am... and I will be the CHANGE that I hope to make.

I will run this race for the experience, not to win... but for the opportunity to support an amazing charity.  The mental fitness as well as physical fitness I will need to accomplish this will be invaluable to my life and future successes. If I can do this, I can do anything! The charity I hope to run for is TEAM FOR KIDS. I'm waiting on sign up fees to go through and registration to be "official official".

Team for Kids is made up of thousands of adult runners from around the world who raise funds to combat childhood obesity through New York Road Runners Youth Programs .

As a obese child and now adult I feel learning early on about health and fitness can change lives! Like I said, I want to be the change.